Tombola Items

Here’s the deal: Iris House Children’s Hospice is hosting a tombola that’s nothing short of thrilling. But it’s not just about the prizes – it’s about rallying together to create a world of care, support and smiles for special needs children and their families. With each ticket you grab, you’re not just entering to win, you’re contributing to a cause that resonates with heartwarming impact.

Nitida Magnum

Carol Boyes Plate

Carol Boyes Spoon

Lion Feeding Experience

Bush Safari

Elephant Experience

IHA Botox

Krystal Restaurant

Bronze Cross

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Stand a chance to win 2 x tickets to The Purple Ball 2023

EntriesĀ end 1st of August 2023, winner anounced and notified on the 3rd of August 2023. The Ball is on 26 August 2023.

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