
(2 customer reviews)

Auction Expired

Original oil painting on canvas

Size 91cm x 91cm – signed Fumbi

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Item condition: New

Auction Expired because there were no bids



Original oil painting on canvas

Size 91cm x 91cm – signed Fumbi

Tariro meaning ‘hope’.This is a depiction of frustrated love that over time has been able to regenerate and find a rightful way of continuing despite the difficulty, extremes, fears, tears, and anger. It also shows the intellect and beauty of one who has wisdom and has achieved much despite so much against her. There is a melancholy and perhaps a mood of slight annoyance.

I wanted to capture the personality here towards the viewer. An orderly structured mind, logical, solution-oriented yet emotional and spiritual.

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Auction Expired because there were no bids
Auction started 11th September 2020 8:00 am

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